Harrison Graves is an overqualified librarian by day and a hound for the supernatural at night. Hard to kill, he's survived many atrocities and came out all the more mean being among monsters, and when push comes to shove, he'll do what's right so long as it's convenient.

NAME: Harrison Graves
BUILD: 6'5" / 279 lbs.
HOMEWORLD: Auroverse
BIRTHDATE: January 29
STR: +2
DEX: -1
FOR: +3
INT: +2
WIS: +1
RES: +2
POW: +1
CHA: +0
VIT: +1
LANGUAGES: English, Italian
ALIGNMENT: True Neutral
OBJECTIVE: Pay back a truly monstrous offense.
How do you justify? I'm mystified
by the ways of your heart...
APPEARANCE (physique)
Harrison is a giant of a man, well-proportioned and possessing a fair amount of muscle, but naturally dispositioned towards being overweight and padded with a thick layer of fat. Even with gray eyes and aging russet hair, his most notable trait includes a damaged left knee. A cricket inside an hourglass (back) and Aquarius glyph (right wrist) consist of his tattoos.
APPEARANCE (clothing)
Harrison is self-conscious about the state of his body and almost never seen wearing short-sleeved clothing, instead favoring a faded gray button-up shirt, a beige long coat with yellow trimming, black jeans, and brown work boots. Somewhat far-sighted, he will occasionally don a small pair of rectangular reading glasses to help with his ability to read things up-close.
PERSONALITY (positives)
Harrison is laid back, witty, and know how to play around. As an avid lover of old movies, there’s nothing better than a quiet night with a bowl of snacks and red wine while watching some of his favorite reruns. While he doesn’t always know how to, he tries his best to be a good person.
PERSONALITY (negatives)
Harrison is aggressive, solitary, territorial, and lazy. Known for his mean streak, he has a legendary temper and just wants to be left alone most of the time. At his worst, he’s violent, unreasonable, and revels in the grief he brings upon others in order to feel better about his own problems.
BACKGROUND (childhood, 00 - 12)
Harrison Graves was born into a mundane family in a small rural town in the midwest. Growing up, he had an ordinary childhood with the exception of the absence of his mother, who was deemed unfit for parenthood by a case involving the mistreatment of her children. Custody was given to their single working dad, who they were raised by from then on out.
BACKGROUND (teenhood, 13 - 19)
Harrison had always been a man for the sciences, especially astronomy and genetics. After graduating from college early with a degree in biomedical engineering, he hoped to make a difference in the field, but when that didn't pan out, he settled for a comfortable job as a professor, much like his father. For a time, he was content with what he'd accomplished.
BACKGROUND (adulthood, 20 - 59)
Harrison eventually transferred to a prestigious university in Los Lunares where he met his wife and lifelong friends, all of whom pulled some shady, but well-intended research. Not wanting a bad streak among the institute, they were exiled. Around this time, a disturbing revelation caused his wife to divorce him, and her whereabouts have remained unknown.
BACKGROUND (the present, 199X)
Harrison sent in an application for a magic license, and because of a recently suffered knee injury, the governing powers of Ramsgate approved in return for a service. To maximize their investment, he and his friends were relocated to Rowanwick, where they worked as library guardians by putting their combined knowledge both mundane and magical to good use.

SPECIALTIES (gravity mage, danger sense)
Harrison is a gravity mage. Using hand signals, he can envelop objects in a purple haze that allows their gravity to be manipulated. More mass is more difficult to manipulate, with his limit being a streetcar. Beyond that, he also has an uncanny sixth sense that detects nearby threats.

EXPERTISES (monsterology, doctor stuff)
Harrison is an extremely skilled monsterologist. Having lived among the supernatural for decades, he's able to identify several different types of cryptids and their abilities, which he knows how to efficiently combat. In addition, he's a former doctor qualified to do emergency first aid.

ACCESSORIES (magic tattoos, outerwear)
Harrison is tattooed with a cricket that can come alive and an hourglass that allows items to be stored in and summoned from hammerspace. Squishy on his own, he also wears an enchanted coat, which enhances his fortitude, slowly mends its threading, and responds to commands.

WEAKNESSES (gold & bracer, bum knee)
Harrison is vulnerable against noble gold, which nullifies his magic when worn, and his signs are channeled through an arcane bracer. On the more mundane side of things, he also suffers from an improperly-healed knee injury and is slow to physically recover from damage.
DID YOU KNOW? (random trivia #1)
Harrison drives an old blue pickup truck that was passed down from his father. It has been damaged after many head-on monster collisions, yet miraculously remains functional.
DID YOU KNOW? (random trivia #2)
Harrison displays his most prized possession, his videocassette recorder, under the TV. One of his favorite nighttime activities is to watch some reruns while having wine and chips.
DID YOU KNOW? (random trivia #3)
Harrison keeps his secret possessions in a small rowan chest (which repels supernaturals) hidden under a floorboard in his bedroom, along with some other personal mementos.
DID YOU KNOW? (random trivia #4)
Harrison is considered the resident creepy old guy. The kids spread rumors that he sacrifices people to the monsters in the woods, and while it's just gossip, no one knows for sure.

Human Esper - Female - 5'5" - 145 lbs. - 45 y/o.
Rheanne Moore started her humble career as an aide in her grandmother's witchy shop. Nowadays, she puts her extrasensory powers to good use as someone who uses reflective surfaces to scry, and even though she's going blind, she always manages to get past.
SPECIALTIES: Extrasensory, Mirror Magic
WEAKNESSES: Mortal Coil, Waning Sight

Nosferatu Vampire - Male - 6'3" / 136 lbs. - 43 y/o.
Elijah Whitehall works as the dreaded night manager in the little town's one and only library. Shrouded with a dark past and darker rumors, what lies behind his smiling façade remains a mystery to most mortal men. Other monsters know to keep their distance.
SPECIALTIES: Vampire Attributes, Obfuscate
WEAKNESSES: Silver & Rowan, Pyrophobia

Witch - Female - 5'9" / 129 lbs. - 72 y/o. (physically)
Willow Woods showed up one day, put down some roots, and has lingered around ever since. Despite having a deep history in the arcane, there isn't much of her story to go around, and her coworkers often consult her on matters beyond their understanding.
SPECIALTIES: Witchcraft, Nature Elemental
WEAKNESSES: Gold & Pact, Smoker Lungs

Black-Eyed Being - Female - 4'6" / 96 lbs. - 16 y/o.
Sophia Espinoza carries a slew of misfortune. Armed with two quick fists and a bad rap, what this street urchin lacks in modesty she more than makes up for with loyalty, quick results, and the latest gossip, making her an underestimated asset to the library.
SPECIALTIES: Being Attributes, Shadow Step
WEAKNESSES: Silver & Rowan, Pactbound

Wild-Dog Werewolf - Male - 5'2" / 127 lbs. - 17 y/o.
Lester Lobera considers himself the resident cool kid on the block, when in actuality he's more so just a rumor dispenser with the occasional penchant for mischief and dastardly deeds. If something needs to be found, however, his nose will know... for a price.
SPECIALTIES: Werewolf Attributes, Gossip
WEAKNESSES: Silver & Rowan, Unreliable

Seelie - Female - 5'4" / 114 lbs. - 24 y/o. (physically)
Selena Lefay runs what most people consider to be the best coffee shop this side of town, along with a few more niche items. Whether the consumable is magical or mundane in nature, there's a chance she either has it or the means to obtain a heart's seediest desire.
SPECIALTIES: Seelie Attributes, Wasps
WEAKNESSES: Gold & Pact, Insecticide
FEW SPARE PARTS (detectives, supernaturals)
Harrison takes refuge in a shady diner at night, only to be disturbed when someone most unexpected shows up. It turns out that the visitor had just narrowly escaped a crime ring that deals in magic body parts.
Action, Horror,
Modern Fantasy
GRIMM DELIMMA (hunters, supernaturals)
Harrison thinks he's seen and heard it all until his life becomes an anthology of modern fairy tales, where Peter Pan and his lost boys are vampires and the Big Bad Wolf is a bounty hunter, among other twists.
Comedy, Horror,
Modern Fantasy
RED MOON RIDGE (detectives, investigators)
Harrison has a small falling out with his manager and hasn't been seen since. Someone is sent to find him, but it turns out that he's stranded in a small woodland town with a werewolf problem of the redneck variety.
Action, Mystery,
Modern Fantasy
Under darkness, it hunted. Like lightning, it struck.As the darkest day of the year crept further from its hole and upon man, so did the monsters that hid beneath its belly. Heavy footfalls echoed down the increasingly empty streets, followed by the rush of crisp autumnal winds carrying the faint chorus of thunder. Some would've called it ominous. The man known as Harrison found it far more terrifying.Shallow gasps intermingled with a light pattering of rain, each of their steps sending an upheaval of grimy water, but dirtied boots were the least of his worries as his partner got snapped into the air like a ragdoll. Any pleas or screams she may have had lingering on the tip of her tongue were silenced with a sickening splatter of crimson on the pavement.No time to care nor any inkling of pity for the woman was present. With an increased drive to survive, the man rushed past a fallen street light, which had the unfortunate effect of leaving whatever followed in the dark, its winged shadow beating furiously for blood.Up ahead lied an abandoned fishery - the designated safehouse for his people (although he loathed to call them such) and their endeavors. "Iron!" the man blurted, arms flailing and seemingly insane as he made his approach. "It doesn't like iron!"Fortunately, someone heard him. Unfortunately, they didn't listen. One of the guards, a boorish man of impressive size, slipped out from behind one of the old delivery garages. A war cry bellowed from his throat, loud enough to rival the excessive number of shots that cracked through the night at an invisible foe.Harrison took this opportunity to dive inside the relative safety of the fishery just as his meathead friend laid his eyes on the last light he'd ever see. Whoever he was mattered about as much as his smoldering remains did now.